Friday, April 4, 2008

Melissa's Bike and Accessories

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of my new bike. I was going to take it from the craigslist posting I got it from, but the guy already took it down. Too quick on the draw! Another strategy would be for me to take my expensive Japanese gadget and snap a picture of it myself. True to Melissa-form, however, the battery is dead and the Japanese battery charger is not working. Ha! Anyone going to Toyko soon? :)

Anyway, the new-to-me 2001 Bianchi Volpe is a sparkling violet with red specks. Envision this 2006 Gang Green Bianchi Volpe as purple, and that's close. It has not yet taken the place in my heart of my red 330 Trek, which I can't bring myself to sell. If you want a coppertone 60s Schwinn cruiser, though, the friend price is $100. Acquiring bikes = fun, selling bikes = sad. The sparkling violet, unphotographed, 2001 Bianchi Volpe is sitting in the basement now with a very untrued wheel. I will have to buy/borrow touring wheels anyway. The seat, an 80s sea-green, will be switched out for a boring yet more comfortable ride. It also squeaks. Other than that, ready to ride!

I am currently negotiating a purchase of 2 yellow Ortlieb Back Roller Classic panniers for $120 (craigslist, of course). My bike came with racks, so now I just need the bags for carrying our camping gear.

Between Megan and I, we have 2 bikes, 2 sleeping bags and 1 tent.

I also have an iPod filled with French lessons.

Feel free to post comments with advice, suggestions and ideas about other things we need!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today I picked up the Ortlieb bags. The craigslist guy I bought them from had already sold the ones pictured, so I bought his other set. Still waterproof, and matches my bike better. Color coordination is of high importance.